Central Virginia Transportation, Shuttle Buses, and Wine and Brewery Tours, Wedding Buses, Vintage Limousines
05.29.13 1940 Senior Packard Limousine, Veritas.jpg

Fuel Surcharge Chart

Fuel Surcharge Chart


Fuel Surcharges: Rates subject to change based on current market rates. If fuel prices at the time of your service exceed $3.25/gallon a commensurate fuel surcharge plus a $5 administrative fee will be added to your reservations.

The below chart is used to calculate the percentage of surcharge based on the fuel required for your vehicle and the current market rates at the time of your service. Different vehicles in our fleet require different grades of fuel and the market rate is calculated based upon the required fuel type(s) of your vehicle reservations(s).

The $5 administrative fee is in addition to the surcharge, and is charged per vehicle reservation. If the grade of fuel required for your reserved vehicle(s) is equal to or less than $3.25 per gallon no fuel surcharges apply or administrative fee apply.

Fuel surcharges are based on the average fuel prices in Charlottesville at the time of service. We cannot determine the fee until after the service is complete.

The percentage listed in the chart is applied to the total amount paid for your reservation. For example: The average fuel price for the vehicle you have reserved is $3.49 per gallon. The total amount paid for your reservation is $799. The fuel surcharge for your reservation would be $15.98 + a $5.00 admin fee for a total of $20.98.

**Please note some vehicles use higher grade fuel, and our larger vehicles require Diesel fuel and therefore the average fuel price will be based on higher octane fuel or Diesel prices at the time of service, not regular gasoline prices**

Tesla Energy Surcharge: Tesla Airport Transportation services receive an Energy Surcharge, commensurate to the table below, despite using electricity instead of fuel. All reservation types (wine tours, weddings, etc.) that are in a Tesla, that are NOT airport transportation services do not receive an Energy Surcharge.

Charlottesville Limousine Transportation Fuel Surcharge